Pulsatile Tinnitus: Do You Hear Your Heartbeat In Your Ears?

If you suffer from high blood pressure or poor circulation, you may experience a number of strange symptoms over time. One of the strangest symptoms you might experience is abnormal sounds in your ears, or pulsatile tinnitus. Learn more about pulsatile tinnitus and how to cope with it below.

What's Pulsatile Tinnitus?

Pulsatile tinnitus is a form or type of tinnitus that causes you to hear things inside your ears. But unlike traditional tinnitus, which causes you to hear whirling, hissing, and buzzing sounds in your ears, pulsatile tinnitus causes you to hear the sounds your blood makes as it circulates through your ears. The sounds can be slow, fast, faint, or deep, depending on the condition of your blood vessels.

Pulsatile tinnitus can amplify the sounds of your blood as it circulates through your ears. The amplified sounds can mimic the beats of your heart or the throbbing of your pulse. The strange sounds may occur in one ear or both ears, depending on your health or overall condition.

You want to treat pulsatile tinnitus before it gets worse or disrupts your life.

How Do You Treat Pulsatile Tinnitus?

The treatment for pulsatile tinnitus may depend on a number of factors, including the type of blood or circulation problem that caused it. For example, if poor circulation caused the abnormal sounds in your ears, a doctor may change or upgrade your medications. The medications should help improve the movement of blood through your arteries.

If high blood pressure caused your pulsatile tinnitus, a change in diet may benefit you. Some types of nutrients can weaken your arteries, such as sodium and sugar. A physician may remove sodium and other damaging ingredients from your diet. 

If none of the treatments above stop the strange sounds in your ears, a doctor may use sound therapy, tinnitus retraining therapy, or cognitive behavioral therapy to help you. The type of therapy treatment you need may depend on the severity of your tinnitus. 

For instance, if your condition is mild, sound therapy may work well for you. Sound therapy relies on white noise and other gentle sounds to drown out the noises in your ears. The sounds help redirect your attention or focus away from the blood pulsing through your ears. It may be necessary for a doctor to use a combination of sound therapies during your treatment. 

You can find the relief you need from pulsatile tinnitus by contacting a medical doctor for tinnitus treatment today.
