Tips For Safely Removing Hearing-Blocking Ear Wax

If you are having a problem hearing with one of your ears, then you likely have ear wax that has built up in front of your eardrum. While it is very important that you remove the wax from your ear, it needs to be done in the correct manner to prevent permanent damage to your hearing. To preserve your hearing and safely remove the excessive ear wax, follow these tips: 

Tip: Purchase a Home Ear Wax Removal Kit

The safest and most effective way to remove excessive ear wax at home is by using a home ear wax removal kit. The kit contains an alcohol and oil-based solution that you drop into your ears. You let the drops sit in your ears for a few minutes and they will soften the ear wax. Once the ear wax has been softened, then you flush out your ears with water using a bulb syringe included in the ear wax removal kit. For seriously backed up ears, you might need to repeat the process a couple of times.

Tip: Prevent Wax Buildup Properly

The absolute best way to prevent hearing problems caused by excessive ear wax is to prevent its buildup in your ears in the first place. While it is never safe to use cotton swabs inside your ears because they tend to push the ear wax back up into the ear canal, you can use them on the outer surfaces of your ear to remove any wax you see. Additionally, you should rinse out the inside of each of your ears with clean water every time you take a bath or shower. You should never put soap products inside of your ears, but you should clean their exterior surfaces with your shampoo or body wash. When you get done washing them, you should always dry your ears with a towel. 

Tip: Make an Appointment with Your Family Practice Doctor

Finally, if you are unable to eliminate the wax that is blocking your eardrum using an ear wax removal kit, then you need to make an appointment with your family practice doctor for assistance. Since your hearing is a vital sense that you need to protect at all costs, this is not a problem that you want to ignore. Instead, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will clean out your ears for you and give you additional advice about preventing this problem in the future. 
