What's The Big Idea? Creating A Weight Loss Plan That Works

When you want to lose weight – whether out of concern for your health, to better control a chronic medical condition, or even just to get rid of those excess 10 or 15 pounds that tend to show up around the holidays – it's a good idea to have a plan in mind for how you want to do it. But when you're looking at the calendar and attempting to create that plan, it can be a little daunting if you're not quite sure how to go about it. So if you're looking for a few tips and tricks to creating a weight loss plan that will get you results, then here's what you need to know.

Forget the Numbers

All counting your calories will do is tell you how many calories you've eaten – and what you need to know are the types of calories you've eaten, not the total number itself. There's a reason the nutritional information on the back of most any product you can purchase at the store tells you how much fat, carbs, and protein (among other essential vitamins and minerals) are in each serving size – it's because, no matter what pre-set diet plan you choose, those numbers are going to be vastly more important than the overall amount of calories you ingest.

Remember, a calorie is just a unit of energy, not a measure of a food's nutritional worth. A cookie with only 100 calories is still a cookie, and no amount of pointing to the 100-calorie sign on the packaging will make it as good for you as 100 calories worth of berries.

Talk To A Nutritionist

It's important to include a nutritionist in your diet plan's creation. The nutritionist will be able to specify the quantity of each important nutrient that your own individual body needs – and don't be mistaken, everyone needs different amounts of fat, carbohydrates, protein, etc. A nutritionist might even recommend joining a weight loss program like those offered by InShapeMD St Angelo, and consulting a doctor about your diet plan will ensure that your plan will be both effective and healthy.

Let It Go

With any diet, it's inevitable that you're going to mess up occasionally and not follow the plan that you set out for yourself. When you do, remember that all is not lost; one missed meal (or day, or two…) doesn't undo all of the work that you've done prior to it. Pick yourself up and get right back on the horse – a failure or two in the long run won't mean anything, but all the successes you'll have before and after those failures will get you to where you want to be.
